Few Days in HKG
Eat, work, shop are the most concise words describe Hong Kong people. Not much has changed since my last trip here, except maybe the temperature. I think there's a conspiracy to get me fat, very fat. My appetite is never big enough. Too much food. I have devised plans to avoid eating, but they continue to fail me. If I do not want food, I get it anyway. If my plate is empty, then that must mean I am still hungry. If I leave food on plate, then I get told to eat it. Maybe if I eat really really slowly, and only put a little in my plate, they will leave me alone because I appear to be busy. So I finish my food when I think it is time to go, but no... I have been tricked! More food is actually on the way! When I walk, I can feel the jiggle in my belly. Not good. Well, hopefully it will at least keep me warm. It's gotten down below 55 degrees F here. I was totally unprepared for such temperatures. I thought this place was supposed to be hot and humid. My new method of packing as light as possible is not working out because I primarily have thin clothes and T-shirts. I don't know how long I'll be here, but I have decided to nix the Bali trip in the wake of the tsunami disaster. Too much sadness to go to a country that has been hurt soo much. Instead I have decided to go to Shanghai, another offer I could not refuse. But it is even colder there. I can't believe I am going to buy a winter jacket. I was supposed to be heading to the tropics, but I guess not. My plans are, well I don't know. You know when I know...
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